Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Vocabulary Expansion

Battersea- is an area of London lying on the south bank of the River Thames.

Archipelago- a chain or group of islands.

Termerity- Foolhardy disregaurd of danger, recklessness

Plutarch - Greek biographer and Neo-Platonist/ He wrote Parallel Lives

Fillip- 1. A snap or light blow made by pressing a fingertip against the thumb and suddenly releasing it.
2. An embellishment that excites or stimulates: "Spritely tabasco onions, just a little crunch for the top, were an added fillip" Alison Arnett.
3. One that is trivial or of little importance

Undulating- 1. To cause to move in a smooth wavelike motion.
2. To give a wavelike appearance or form to.

Belie- 1. To picture falsely; misrepresent: "He spoke roughly in order to belie his air of gentility" James Joyce.
2. To show to be false: Their laughter belied their outward grief.
3. To be counter to; contradict: At first glance, life at the boarding school seemed to belie all the bad things I had heard about it.

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